Legal notice

With the end to give fulfillment to the article 10 of the Law 34/2002 of Services of the Information Society and of the E-commerce, inform to the users of our data:

Social denomination: Joaquin Lopez Gerboles
Social domicile: Equalised 9, 08820 The Prat of Llobregat, (Barcelona)
NIF: 35098461R
Telephone: 934 795 718

1.- Object
Joaquin Lopez Gerboles (from now on also the prestador) how manager of the website, puts to disposal of the users the present document, that regulates the use of the website, with which pretend to give fulfillment to the obligations that has the Law 34/2002, of Services of the Information Society and of the E-commerce (LSSICE or LSSI),as well as inform to all the users of the website concerning which are the instructions for use of the website.
Through the Web, Joaquin Lopez Gerboles facilitates to the users the access and utilisation of different services and contents put to disposal through the web.
All person that access to this web assumes the paper of user (from now on the user),and involves the total acceptance and wholeheartedly of all and each one of the included disposals in this legal notice, as well as to any one other legal disposals that went of application.
Like users, have to read attentively this Legal notice in any of the occasions that go in to the web, as this can suffer modifications since the prestador reserves the right to modify any type of information that could appear in the web, without that it exist the obligation of pre-warn or put in knowledge of the users these obligations, being sufficient the publication in the website of the prestador.
2. Conditions OF ACCESS And USE OF THE web.
2.1. Free character of the access and use of the web.
The provision of the services by Joaquin Lopez Gerboles has free character for all the Users. Nevertheless, some of the services supplied by the prestador through the Web are subject to the payment of a determinate price to the general conditions of contracting.
2.2. Register of User.
With general character the provision of the Services does not demand the previous subscription or register of the Users. Even so, Joaquin Lopez Gerboles conditions the use of some of the services to the previous complementation of the corresponding register of User. This register will effect in the on purpose indicated form in the own section of the service.
2.3. Veracity of the information.
All the information that facilitates the User has to be truthful. To these effects, the User guarantees the authenticity of the data communicated through the forms for the subscription of the Services. It will be responsibility of the User maintain all the information facilitated to Joaquin Lopez Gerboles permanently updated so that it answer, in each moment, to his real situation. Anyway, the User will be the only responsible of the dud or inaccurate manifestations that make and of the damages that cause to the prestador or to third.
2.4. Minors of age.
For the use of the services, the minors of age have to obtain always previously the consent of the parents, tutors or legal representatives, managers last of all the acts made by the minors to his charge. The responsibility in the determination of concrete contents to which access the minors corresponds to those, that's why if they access to contents no appropriate by Internet, will have to establish in his computers mechanisms, in particular computer programs, filters and blockades, that allow to limit the available contents and, although they are not infalibles, are of special utility to control and restrict the materials to which can access the minors.
2.5. Obligation to do a correct use of the web.
The User engages to use the Web of compliance to the Law and to the present Legal notice, as well as to the morals and to good habits. To such effect, the User will abstain to use the page with illicit purposes or forbidden, harmful of rights and interests of third, or that anyway can damage, disable, overburden, deteriorate or prevent the normal utilisation of computer squads or documents, archives and all class of contents stored in any computer squad of the prestador.
In particular, and to title indicativo but no exhaustive, the User engages to not transmitting, spread or put to disposal of third informations, data, contents, messages, charts, drawings, archives of sound or image, photographs, recordings, software and, in general, any class of material that:
(To) it was contrary, despise or attack against the fundamental rights and the public liberties recognised constitutionally, in international treaties and other valid norms;
(b) Induce, incite or promote criminal performances, denigrantes, difamatorias, violent or, in general, contrary to the law, to the morals and to the public order;
(c) Induce, incite or promote performances, attitudes or discriminatory thoughts by reason of sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or condition;
(d) Was contrary to the right to the honour, to the personal or familiar privacy or to the own image of the people;
(And) anyway it prejudice the credibility of the prestador or of third; and
(f) Constitute illicit advertising, deceptive or disloyal.
The prestador exempts of any type of derivative responsibility of the information published in our website, whenever this information have been manipulated or entered by a third extraneous.
This web has been revised and tried so that it work correctly. In principle, can guarantee the correct operation the 365 days of the year, 24 hours to the day. However, the prestador no descarta the possibility that exist determinate errors of programming, or that sucedan causes of main force, natural catastrophes, strikes, or alike circumstances that make the access to the web page.
Joaquin Lopez Gerboles does not award any guarantee neither does responsible, in no case, of the harms and damages of any nature that can exit to collation of the fault of availability, maintenance and effective operation of the web or of his services and contents; of the existence of virus, wanton or harmful programs in the contents; of the illicit use, negligente, fraudulent or contrary to this Legal notice and instructions for use; or of The fault of legality, quality, reliability, utility and availability of the services loaned by third and demeanours to disposal of the users in the website.
The prestador does not do manager on no account of the harms that can dimanar of the illegal or undue use of the present web page.
4.- Cookies
The website of the prestador can use cookies (small archives of information that the server sends to the computer of the one who accesses in the page) to carry determinate functions that are considered indispensable for the correct operation and visualisation of the place. The cookies used have, anyway, temporary character, with the only purpose to do more effective the navigation, and disappear when finishing the session of the user.
In no case they will use the cookies to collect information of personal character. For more information, see our Politics of Cookies.
5.- Links (LINKS)
From the website is possible that redirect to contents sponsored, ads and / or links of affiliated and / or of third webs. Among the links facilitated, exists the possibility to inform or do reference to products and / or services of third. Since from the web can not control the contents entered by the third, Joaquin Lopez Gerboles does not assume any type of responsibility with regard to said contents, neither guarantees the experience, integrity or quality of his products. Anyway, the prestador self-evident that will proceed to the immediate withdrawal of any content that could contravene the national or international legislation, the morals or the public order, proceeding to the immediate withdrawal of the re-direction to these webs, putting in knowledge of the competent authorities the content in question.
Joaquin Lopez Gerboles will have published these links until they are deleted or suspended by the prestador or by the anunciante, and will not be responsible although these ads can be indexados by other extraneous searchers to this web.
 The prestador does not hold of the information and contents stored, to title enunciativo but no limiting, in forums, chats, generators of blogs, commentaries, social nets or any another half that allow to third publish contents of independent form in the web page of the prestador. Nevertheless and in fulfillment of the had in the art. 11 and 16 of the LSSICE, the prestador puts to disposal of all the users, authorities and security forces, and collaborating of active form in the withdrawal or, when it was necessary, the blockade of all those contents that can affect or contravene the national legislation, or international, rights of third or the morals and the public order. In case that the user consider that it can exist some content that could be susceptible of this classification, prays notify it of immediate form to the administrator of the website.
However, Joaquin Lopez Gerboles informs him that any contractual relation or extracontractual that the user formalise with these third, affiliated or anunciantes by means of the proportionate link by this web, will be valid only and exclusively among the user and the anunciante and / or third person and Joaquin Lopez Gerboles will not have any type of responsibility on the harms or damages that could be ocasionados by the provision of services and / or contractual relations or extracontractuales made among the user and the anunciantes or third contacted through this portal since the prestador only acts like intermediary or half advertising.
6.- PERSONAL data protection
The prestador is deeply engaged with the fulfillment of the rule of personal data protection and guarantees the whole fulfillment of the willing obligations, as well as the implementation of the measures of willing security to the European Regulation of Data protection and the Spanish rule of data protection. For more information, see our Privacy policy.
7. Copyright And INDUSTRIAL
The website, including to title enunciativo but no limiting the programming, edition, compilation and other necessary elements for his operation, the designs, logotypes, texts, photographs and/or charts are property of the prestador or, in case that it was necessary, has of the licence or permission expresses by the authors. All the contents of the website find properly protected by the rule of copyright and industrial.
Independently of the purpose by which went allocated, the total or partial reproduction, use, distribution and public communication require of the permission written previous by the prestador. Any unauthorised use previously by the prestador will be considered an incumplimiento grave of the intellectual property rights or industrial of the author.
The designs, logotypes, texts and/or extraneous charts to the prestador and that they can appear in the website, belong to his respective owners, being they same the managers of any possible controversy that could become with regard to the same. Anyway, the prestador has the permission expresses and previous by the same.
The prestador recognises in favour of his headlines the corresponding rights of patent rights and intellectual, not involving the quotation or apparition in the website, of the existence of rights or any responsibility of the prestador on the same, as neither backrest, sponsorship or recommendation by the same.
To make any type of observation with regard to possible incumplimientos of the intellectual property rights or industrial, as well as on any one of the contents of the website, can do it through the up reviewed email.
For the resolution of the controversies or questions related with the present web page or of the activities in this developed, will be of application the Spanish legislation, to which subject on purpose the parts, being competent by the resolution of all the derivative conflicts or related with his use the Courts and Courts of Barcelona. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat